Employee health insurance for small business cost

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Insured in the statutory health insurance

Employees, trainees, pensioners and voluntarily insured persons are not only obliged to pay contributions as members of a statutory health insurance company - they are also entitled to comprehensive benefits.

Who has statutory health insurance?

There are three insurance options in statutory health insurance:

compulsory membership

Compulsory insurance in the GKV leads in particular to taking up an employment relationship that is subject to compulsory insurance, receiving unemployment benefit and, as a rule, also unemployment benefit II, as well as other circumstances.

Voluntary Membership

In principle, voluntary membership is possible following existing compulsory or family insurance and, under certain conditions, when taking up employment in Germany for the first time.

family insurance

Children, spouses and registered life partners of members are family insured free of charge if they have their place of residence or habitual residence in Germany and have a total income that does not exceed a certain income limit.

Children, employee health insurance cost spouses and registered life partners of members are family insured free of charge if they have their place of residence or habitual residence in Germany and have a total income that does not regularly exceed a certain income limit. A prerequisite for family insurance is that the relatives are not otherwise subject to compulsory insurance, are not insured or are exempt from compulsory insurance. After the end of the family insurance, the insurance cover can usually be continued with your own voluntary insurance.


During maternity leave and parental leave, cost of employee health insurance previously compulsorily insured persons remain members, but do not have to pay any contributions from the parental allowance during this time. The insurance status is therefore retained, so that parents cannot have family insurance during this time either.

Voluntary members who were exempt from insurance before parental leave or before receiving parental allowance because their regular salary exceeds the compulsory insurance limit are insured free of charge after receiving maternity allowance for the duration of parental leave or parental allowance, provided that the spouse is a member of the GKV and "on the merits" (without one's own voluntary membership) there would be an entitlement to family insurance. Otherwise (minimum) contributions must be paid.

Self-employed people who receive parental allowance must continue to pay (minimum) contributions.

Family insurance for a child is excluded if the spouse or partner related to the child is not legally insured and his or her regular total income exceeds the monthly compulsory insurance limit and is regularly higher than that of the spouse or partner with statutory insurance .

How long are children insured free of charge?

The non-contributory family insurance for children is limited in time. In principle, children can be insured free of charge in the statutory health insurance fund up to the age of 18, and in the case of children who are not gainfully employed up to the age of 23. If the child is in school or vocational training or is doing voluntary service (Federal Voluntary Service - BFD, voluntary social year - FSJ, voluntary ecological year - FÖJ), then family insurance ends at the age of 25.

If the child’s school or vocational training was interrupted or delayed due to voluntary service (BFD or FSJ or FÖJ) or voluntary military service, the insurance continues beyond the age of 25 for a maximum period of twelve months.

After the end of family insurance, students are subject to compulsory insurance up to the age of 30 at the latest. They pay a particularly low contribution of currently 76.85 euros for health insurance plus the additional contribution that the health insurance companies can charge their members.

Technical students can join the GKV as voluntary members after the end of family insurance and pay the same contribution as students.

With no age limit, employee health insurance small business children are only insured if they are unable to support themselves as a result of a physical, mental or psychological disability. However, the prerequisite is that the disability already existed at a time when family insurance existed.

Income limit for co-insured dependents

The income limit is 470 euros per month (as of 2021). According to the law, the total income is the sum of the income within the meaning of income tax law. Above all, this includes income from work. Maintenance payments are not taken into account when determining the total income.

Compulsory insurance limit / annual income limit (JAEG)

If compulsorily insured employees in an existing employment relationship exceed the annual income limit (compulsory insurance limit) within one year with their salary, the compulsory insurance ends at the end of the calendar year. This only applies if your wages will also exceed the applicable annual wage limit in the following calendar year. The respective annual income limit is adjusted annually and is EUR 5,362.50 per month or EUR 64,350 per year (as of 2021)amazon employee health insurance premiums 2022.

The special compulsory insurance limit applies to all employees who already had private health insurance on December 31, 2002 (so-called existing cases of private health insurance). It is 4,837.50 euros per month or 58,050 euros per year (as of 2021). The respective annual income limit is set annually by the federal government.

Anyone who takes up employment as an employee in Germany for the first time and immediately earns a salary above the annual income limit in this employment is immediately exempt from insurance, but has the option of joining statutory health insurance as a voluntary member, even if you previously had private health insurance.

Rules for the self-employed in artistic and journalistic professions

Like employees, self-employed artists and publicists pay half of the contributions to the Artists' Social Security Fund (KSK), the other half is raised via the KSK from a federal subsidy and through the artist's social security contribution to be paid by exploiters on the fees. As with employees, the amount of the contributions depends on the income from work. The minimum insured income is EUR 3,900 per year. There are exceptions in the case of fluctuating income and for young professionals.

Tips: Find the best BU

Wondering how to find the best office job disability insurance? Here are some tips that you should definitely keep in mind when doing a BU.

Pay attention to important clauses, like the abstract reference. With this clause, the insurer can refer you to another profession and refuse to pay you the BU pension. Your BU contract should therefore not contain this clause. Most providers today refrain from this reference.

The earlier you complete a BU, the cheaper your monthly contributions will be.

In the case of previous illnesses: have a preliminary risk inquiry or trial application carried out by a broker. If you have pre-existing conditions, insurers can impose risk surcharges on you or even refuse you insurance. With the preliminary request, you can submit a request for a BU to an insurer without your data being stored centrally. So if an insurer rejects you, you can always ask others. With Getsurance Job disability insurance, however, you don't have to submit a risk inquiry - here you can find out how you can insure yourself without providing personal information.

Take a close look at providers of disability insurance in the test, e.g. Morgen & Morgen, Franke and Bornberg, Stiftung Warentest and Finanztest.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the BU tax deductible?

Yes, you can claim your monthly BU contributions on your tax return. In order to deduct them for tax purposes, you must state them in your tax return in the “Annex Pension Expenses”. You can find out more in our guide article on disability insurance in the tax return.

Is there a comparison on the Internet for disability insurance in an office job?

On the Internet you can find some disability insurance for office jobs in the test. Morgen & Morgen and Stiftung Warentest, for example, offer a BU comparison. The magazine Finanztest offers price comparisons and further information on the subject. Here you will find your very personal “disability insurance office job test winner”.

What is supplementary disability insurance?

Supplementary occupational disability insurance (BUZ) is a combination of BU and another pension product. This could be life insurance or pension insurance, for example. We do not recommend the BUZ. The big problem with BUZ: If you cancel part of the insurance, e.g. life insurance, you automatically cancel your BU protection as well.

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